Search Results

Showing  1 - 25 of  58 search results

Credit Icon Legend
  • Ethics Credit IconEthics Credits
  • H and D CreditsH&D Credits
  • Self Study Course IconSelf Study Course
  • PracPro Credits IconPracPRO Credits
  • GAL Credits IconGAL Credits
Date Course Title Sponsor City Format Credit Amount
03/21/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Maine's Implied Warranty - Extended Protection for Maine Consumer Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/27/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Advanced Child Support Calculations and New Child Support Table FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/27/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Appointing a GAL in Child Custody Litigation FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/27/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Child Support FAQs, Enforcement, Guidelines FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/27/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon How to Calculate Maine Spousal Support FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/27/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon How to Try a Highly-contested Parental Rights Case FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/27/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Retirement Plans - Military Pensions COLA Survivorship - FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/27/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Retirement Plans Employee Retirement - QDROs FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/27/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Rules of Evidence for the Family Lawyer FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/27/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon The Imprecise Science of Spousal Support FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/27/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon UCCJEA and UIFSA FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/27/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Drafting Premarital Agreements FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/27/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Use of Experts in Trial Cross Examination of Experts FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/28/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Ethics of Getting Paid FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/28/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Marital Property Law Definition Equitable Division FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/28/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Parental Rights Developing a Plan; Case Studies; Needs of Children - FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/28/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Parental Rights Complex Dynamics, New in 22, Family Dynamics - FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/28/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Complex Marital Property Distribution FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/28/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Deconstruction of a Business Valuations / Use of Business Experts FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/28/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Determining the Value of Business and Other Forensic Accounting FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/28/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Basic Tax Issues In Divorce 8 Tax Issues Every Family Law Practitioner Should Know FLI23 Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
03/28/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Trusts and Taxes in Maine From A to Z 96213 NBI National Business Institute, Inc. SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
04/06/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon 23rd Annual Employment Law Update Maine State Bar Association SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
05/11/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon Eviction Defense Training - May 11 2023 Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Inc. SELF-STUDY, 03 Online
08/24/2023 PracPro Credits Icon Self Study Course Icon FMLA, ADA, and Maine Leave Law 96917 NBI National Business Institute, Inc. SELF-STUDY, 03 Online